HorizonTech Falcon / Falcon King / Falcon Legend Replacement Coils (3pcs/pack)
Horizon Falcon Coils
Horizontech Falcon Coils are replacement coils designed for the Falcon Tank and produce maximum flavor and vapor production. Each pack comes with three replacement coils with vertically oriented coils or mesh and utilizes either organic cotton with wood pulp or flax paper and a flax fiber liquid guiding system.
These replacement coils are suitable to fit in for Horizontech Falcon and Falcon King Atomizer.
Brand: HorizonTech
Product Type: Replacement Coils
Horizon Falcon Coils 3-Pack Specifications
F1 Falcon 0.2ohm Coil – 30% Wood Pulp & 70% Cotton, rated for 80W
F2 Falcon 0.2ohm Coil – Natural Flax Fiber, rated for 80W
F3 Falcon 0.2ohm Coil – Flax Fiber & Flax Paper, rated for 70W
M1 Mesh Falcon 0.15ohm Coil – Mesh Design Wood Pulp & Cotton, rated for 70W
M2 Mesh Falcon 0.16ohm Coil – Mesh Design Wood Pulp & Cotton, rated for 70W to
F2 Falcon 0.2ohm Coil – Natural Flax Fiber, rated for 80W
F3 Falcon 0.2ohm Coil – Flax Fiber & Flax Paper, rated for 70W
M1 Mesh Falcon 0.15ohm Coil – Mesh Design Wood Pulp & Cotton, rated for 70W
M2 Mesh Falcon 0.16ohm Coil – Mesh Design Wood Pulp & Cotton, rated for 70W to
M6 (NEW) Mesh Falcon 0.15ohm - Mesh Coil, Bamboo fiber rated for 65-70W
M8 (NEW) Mesh Falcon 0.15ohm - Mesh Coil, Bamboo fiber rated for 65-70W
Revolutionize your vaping experience with Falcon Legend’s updated M6 and M8 coils! The HorizonTech Falcon Legend Replacement Coils feature more parallel mesh pieces – six for M6 and eight for M8.

M-Triple Mesh Falcon 0.15ohm Coil – Three Individual Mesh Metal Spirals w/ Cotton, rated for 95W
M1+ Falcon King 0.16ohm Coil (compatible with all Falcon tanks) – Mesh Coil, Bamboo Fiber, rated for 75W
M-Dual Falcon King 0.38ohm Coil (compatible with all Falcon tanks) – Mesh Coil, Bamboo Fiber, rated for 80W

Package Contents:
1 x 3pcs Falcon/Falcon King replacement coils
Note: Before using these coils, they must be primed. Before vaping, the organic cotton around the coil must be completely saturated. Fill the cotton wicks around the coil with a few drops of e-liquid. Fill the tank with liquid and let it stand upright for at least 10 minutes (longer in cooler temperatures). A faster approach to prime it is to draw through the tank a few times without firing.