With so many great vape device manufacturers already in the marketplace, Vandy Vape set out to solve a missing link in the equation. From start to finish, they have placed their focus solely on building high-performance atomizers. They have examined every side of the atomizer problem and created innovative solutions from the ground up.
Vandy Vape entered the scene in mid-2016, coming into a new frenzy of high-end vaping devices. They discovered that many existing atomizers still struggled to provide vapers with leak-free, quality vaping experiences. Their brilliant founder, Stefan Zhang set out to find a better solution.
Within months, Vandy Vape had announced their very first next-generation atomizer. From there, they quickly expanded to offer half a dozen premium atomizer options spanning every area of the vaping game. They have created RDAs, RTAs, RDTAs, and a whole suite of new coil accessories to accompany their atomizers. Their creative new builds look and feel like nothing else in the industry today.
They have managed to simplify the building process, while also improving the overall build quality of each tank off their line. Their coil designs are second to none and have made rebuildable tanks even more desirable for the layman vapers among us.